What to do when there’s nothing to do
Here’s my collection of tips how to best spend this time in isolation. I’ll be adding new ones continuously, so come back here and follow me on Facebook and Instagram to stay updated. For personalized tips and inspiration, join my weekly Connection & Support calls! I’m here to help you through these challenging times.
How to quarantine Tip #1: (Morning) Yoga.
How to quarantine Tip #2: Spend some time alone in nature.
Go to the forest. Head up a mountain. Walk along a river or around a lake. Step out on your balcony. Open your window and let in some fresh air. Do whatever is possible, use whatever is closeby. 🍃
Let the sun warm your face. Feel the wind on your skin. Listen to the birds sing. Notice your breath flowing in and out. Close your eyes. Just stand there. Feel your feet rooted in the ground. Know that you’re effortlessly supported and deeply grounded in Life. Focus on your heart beat. Acknowledge the aliveness nourishing every cell of your body. Take a deep breath. And be grateful for the miracle that you undoubtedly are. ✨

How to quarantine Tip #3: If you can’t go outside, go inside.
Use this time to:
– Feel what you need to feel.
– Say what you have to say.
– Make peace with the past.
– Let go what is no longer serving you.
May we all come out of this lighter and stronger. 🤗
HOW TO QUARANTINE Tip #4: Do what you tend to complain not having enough time for.
Remember how a few weeks ago you used to say „Oh, I wish I had more time for…“? Well, HERE YOU GO. 👐🏽
What is it that you always wished you’d have more time for? Go do that! 🙌🏽
Read that book. Take that course. Play that instrument. Write that novel. Learn that language. Get in shape. Try that recipe. Paint that picture. Call that friend. Clear out that wardrobe. Send that letter. 💌
Now is the time. Now you got time. What are you gonna do with it? 🤔

HOW TO QUARANTINE Tip #5: Rebook, don’t cancel.
As many other industries, travel & tourism is suffering greatly right now. Millions of jobs are in danger, hundreds of companies struggling to survive. 😱
By changing the dates of your booked trips rather than cancelling them, you can make a huge difference. Keep looking forward to your next vacation and save jobs while doing so. 🤗
HOW TO QUARANTINE Tip #6: Get creative!
Draw, write, sing, cook, (re-)decorate, paint, build, design…Let your inner artist come out to play. 🎉
Creativity reduces stress and anxiety, activates our „relaxation response“ and improves our brain health. And most importantly: It’s fun and gives us a feeling of accomplishment. 🙌🏽
What can you create today? 🤗

HOW TO QUARANTINE Tip #7: Focus on what you can control.
There is a lot of uncertainty and anxiety around at the moment. By shifting our focus to the many things we can actually still control, we bring some peace into this apparent chaos. ☺️
Check out this post by a Holistic Health Coach colleague to learn how. 👇🏽
HOW TO QUARANTINE Tip #8: Stay connected.
You don’t have to be lonely just because you’re alone. Luckily, we live in a time where we can keep in touch even if we have to stay at home. 📲
Virtually meet a friend for a coffee chat. Call a family member. Get involved in an online community. 👥
Stay safe. Stay strong. And stay connected! 💞
For an extra dose of Connection & Support, join my weekly virtual meet-ups. There’s one taking place today at 6 p.m. CET.

HOW TO QUARANTINE Tip #9: Read. More. Books.
This is a great time to finally catch up on some reading. If you’re looking for some inspiration, here are some of my favorites. 👇🏽